Fight for Sight

2 years ago we found out my little cousin inherited a terrible disease known as ‘Stargardts Disease’ which is essentially a degenerative disease of the eye leading to loss of most-all central vision.

Since her diagnosis her strength of character has been nothing short of amazing, she continues to excel at school, enjoys an array of sports and hobbies including tennis, swimming, dancing and on our family ski trip at the beginning of this year she left me for dust, stopping only to yell behind to me “hurry up Laura, it’s easy…just follow me!”  She has the most vibrant personality and never fails to have us all in fits of laughter.




As you can imagine finding out about her loss of sight has been heartbreaking for everyone involved, most of all her parents.  There’s some really promising research going on at the moment and there is a stem cell trial running at the moment which we all have our fingers crossed will lead to a new treatment approach.  With this in mind my Uncle (who himself had a pacemaker fitted last year) has decided to run his 1st marathon, raising money for the research going on at the moment.  So far he’s managed to raise almost £18,000…amazing…

here is the link to his fund raising page…all donations no matter how small will be greatly appreciated.

this is also a link to more information about sight disorders.

This morning I headed to the gym for a Bodycombat class.  To be honest I was a little disappointed, the instructor started by telling us how he was “tired and couldn’t really be bothered”…enough said!! I found the class really hard to follow as he didn’t really give many instructions…I still managed to work up a good sweat though which made me happy!

Lunch today was very odd!! James and me a really trying to stick to a food budget (pretty challenging for 2 total foodies!!) so the combination I scraped together from our kitch cupboards was perhaps a little strange but surprisingly tasty!!



…a mixed lentil dahl (found on offer in Sainsburys) with half a can of tuna!!  Not the most obvious of choices but filled a hole…for a short while anyway!!

I’m off to get my head back in the books now!

L x